Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Renewal of Me....

Hello! I'm Cindy Rae and I am about to embark on a new journey- losing these dreaded 30 lbs I have put on this year.

A little about me first- Im almost 49 yrs old- Im married , a mother and a grandma. I do not know how I let this weight creep up on me- I have always been fairly active- okay, maybe not daily..lol.. but Im not a 24 hour couch potato either! Somehow, as my clothes were getting tighter, and as it was getting more difficult to climb steps without breathing hard, I was lying to myself- "Okay, Im "retaining water" - im NOT getting fat! so, I would say to myself, no more real coke, no more bread, no sweets.... but then I would reach for exactly those things telling myself "tomorrow" I would be better- after the party, after baseball season, after football season, when it was cooler, when it was warmer- I had ALL kinds of excuses! I stopped going on my long walks daily because I was busy, or it was too cold, too hot, too sunny, too windy- whatever- Boy! did I have excuses!

My family is extremely active- they are all athletes, they lift weights and run daily, and while they are able to eat whatever they want and burn it off, I cant. I have always been one who had to watch what I eat or drink, and make sure I exercised....so many times in my life I would fall off that wagon- then have to work hard at losing the pounds that crept on- always promising myself it wouldnt happen again. I did the slim fast, the weight watchers, the diet pills.. would starve myself, I would measure my food and count calories....it all worked for awhile, but not consistantly - and I do know why- I wasnt EXERCISING! I wasnt moving my body!

Well I will tell you this about me- I REFUSE to look like Im almost 50! I want my body back- I want my health back... I want to look in the mirror and see ME again, not some puffy round stranger!
I figure having a public journal, it will keep me motivated- it will keep me too embarrassed to cheat!

Starting now I am on my way to me again- I want my pretty clothes back- I want people to say " Oh my gosh- you dont look old enough to have children that age!" So, Im starting my new journey as soon as I wake up- starting with getting out of bed and stretching, then off on my walk- even in Michigan at the end of December! I figure by walking fast I will keep warm...lol. When I get home I will do my floor exercises then ride my stationary bike for 30 mins. I am actually going to do "The Master Cleanse" for a few days to get rid of toxins in my body. During that time i will write up a food menu, staying at no more than 1200 calories a day. Water is key too- drinking lots and lots of water. I will be mixing up my work outs- Im also looking into the beachbody program, but I will post more on all that and the "cleanse" as I learn and do more.
The point is I need to eat healthy, stay active, get my pulse rate up and to keep moving..
Sleep is essential too- getting enough rest for your body and mind each night helps in combating obesity, besides helping get rid of stress. Im a big believer in lists- so Im sure I will be adding different lists on here- exercise, food, etc.
I need support, so PLEASE, if you are reading here- WELCOME! If you need help staying motivated every day, maybe we can help each other!
All I know is I want my body back- I want my life back- I want to feel good about me again. I hope you keep stopping by! :)

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