Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day 1

So last night I drank the Smooth Move Tea- about an hour and a half later it did its job...lol.. I went to bed feeling fine- no cramps or anything. when I got up this morning- late morning cause I was sooo tired from staying up til about 4:30am-ugghh...I drank the Lemonade Drink...I was into it, all gung-ho, my thoughts were good- I cleaned the house, got dressed, did my make-up. Then I started feeling hungry and felt a slight headache coming on. Granted the headache I'm sure was also caused in part by not getting proper sleep last night- another area I need to work on ( also not drinking any cocoa cola which I have been drinking like water lately). But, i pushed on, telling myself that this cleansing is good for me- which I know it is. BUT- I could not ignore the hunger. Soooooo, I ate some celery sticks left over from the veggie tray from Christmas. I was disappointed that I gave in to the hunger, but my ultimate goal is to eat healthy and lose weight and celery is a healthy food. I basically consumed a total of 20 calories ( maybe fewer) and now I'm satisfied.
I'm not gonna get down on myself if something does not work for me- I want this to be a life choice, not just something for quick weight loss that will creep back on. I have done that sooo many times in my life already. I think if we feel we fail at something, it is easy to give up and go back to our bad habits. While i may not be a good advertisement for the Master cleanse in the way it is supposed to be done, I want to be a good advertisement, if you will, for me. My goal is to lose weight, to feel and be healthy and any way i get there is fine with me!

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