Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day 2

Another day under my belt! I made it through all my exercises even though I was a bit sore- my thighs mostly- from yesterdays work-out. Just remember to push through the soreness- You will be more sore by NOT exercising than by doing more. Also remember while you are dieting and exercising to pamper yourself. I took a nice long warm bath with some lavender Bath Salts my daughter- in -law gave me- it was HEAVEN! Afterwards, remember to also lather on some good body lotions to keep your skin soft and moisturized.

New Year's Eve is tomorrow night and lots of people go out ( or stay home) to celebrate. DON'T SABOTAGE YOUR DIET! You can still have a good time by eating healthy! There are so many ways to make a yummy, healthy Salad- just be careful about adding too many UNhealthy toppings. There are lots and lots of ways to keep yourself full and satisfied without blowing your whole diet. Alcohol also adds many, many calories that you may not even realize. Have a  nice celebration meal, but try to plan ahead and figure out what you will be eating and/ or drinking. Snacks add tons of calories too. grabbing a handful of candy, or some chips etc could easily add up to a full meals worth of calories. Just be smart about your choices and you will easily be able to stay on track!

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