Friday, December 31, 2010

Diet tips during parties

Diet tips during parties~
How much calcium do you need daily?

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day 2

Another day under my belt! I made it through all my exercises even though I was a bit sore- my thighs mostly- from yesterdays work-out. Just remember to push through the soreness- You will be more sore by NOT exercising than by doing more. Also remember while you are dieting and exercising to pamper yourself. I took a nice long warm bath with some lavender Bath Salts my daughter- in -law gave me- it was HEAVEN! Afterwards, remember to also lather on some good body lotions to keep your skin soft and moisturized.

New Year's Eve is tomorrow night and lots of people go out ( or stay home) to celebrate. DON'T SABOTAGE YOUR DIET! You can still have a good time by eating healthy! There are so many ways to make a yummy, healthy Salad- just be careful about adding too many UNhealthy toppings. There are lots and lots of ways to keep yourself full and satisfied without blowing your whole diet. Alcohol also adds many, many calories that you may not even realize. Have a  nice celebration meal, but try to plan ahead and figure out what you will be eating and/ or drinking. Snacks add tons of calories too. grabbing a handful of candy, or some chips etc could easily add up to a full meals worth of calories. Just be smart about your choices and you will easily be able to stay on track!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 1 in the

Whew! Okay, I just finished my exercises for today. My arms are shaking as I type But I feel good, Honestly. When you start your exercise program, do what you can do- not what someone tells you to do. Later as you get more conditioned, then go ahead and add more or change your routine up. There's no sense in being so sore by the next day that you do not want to exercise at all. You will be sore though- you are using muscles you most likely have not used in awhile. But that kind of soreness is good. You know what you are doing is working. Remember to eat healthy and drink plenty of water during all of this or else the exercising will be for nothing. That's only if you are trying to lose weight though. That is  not to say you can not have little treats now and then, but know how much you are eating. Once you get used to not over loading on sugar and carbs you are not going to miss it.( well, not a lot any Exercise is hard if you have not been doing it all the time- Believe me when I say I was seriously thinking about LIPOSUCTION as I was working out just But, I'm proud of myself- I pushed through. I did have to stop for a few minutes when I first started today though.  My son came home from weight-lifting and was STARVVVINGGG! Of course there was NOTHING here to eat! lol.. Sooo, I stopped and went into kitchen, pulled out veggies, eggs, ham and cheese and made him, my other son and my nephew an awesome Can't very well have them STARVE  to death while I'm the one trying to lose weight and get fit, ya

So, except for my walk tonight with the dog, day 1 of exercising is in the bag! Yay me!!
Me on the ab lounger- it's better on my back than doing crunches on the floor.

Day 1 in the bag.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Getting ready to exercise :)

Besides the importance to your mind and body of working out , is the importance of the clothes you wear. You need to be comfortable and  be able to stretch and move. You need to pick something for the weather/ temperatures you work out in. Your active wear does not need to be expensive- but you should invest in a very good pair of supportive shoes.  Lets face it, no matter your goals, you feel better doing something if you look good ( i do at least!). A baggy, ripped t-shirt and old paint stained sweat pants are not going to motivate you very much. So, invest in good fitting active wear-  (  in a really cute color for the girls!). A good fitting top, sports bra for women- a pair of lycra shorts and pants- a jacket for when you are outside in cooler weather- and also remember a good pair of socks.
So before you are ready to do your work-out, put on your  ( cute for the girls- cool for the guys :) ) outfit, pull your hair back in a headband or pony tail and shine!

Win Skechers for an awesome workout!


Day 1

So last night I drank the Smooth Move Tea- about an hour and a half later it did its I went to bed feeling fine- no cramps or anything. when I got up this morning- late morning cause I was sooo tired from staying up til about 4:30am-ugghh...I drank the Lemonade Drink...I was into it, all gung-ho, my thoughts were good- I cleaned the house, got dressed, did my make-up. Then I started feeling hungry and felt a slight headache coming on. Granted the headache I'm sure was also caused in part by not getting proper sleep last night- another area I need to work on ( also not drinking any cocoa cola which I have been drinking like water lately). But, i pushed on, telling myself that this cleansing is good for me- which I know it is. BUT- I could not ignore the hunger. Soooooo, I ate some celery sticks left over from the veggie tray from Christmas. I was disappointed that I gave in to the hunger, but my ultimate goal is to eat healthy and lose weight and celery is a healthy food. I basically consumed a total of 20 calories ( maybe fewer) and now I'm satisfied.
I'm not gonna get down on myself if something does not work for me- I want this to be a life choice, not just something for quick weight loss that will creep back on. I have done that sooo many times in my life already. I think if we feel we fail at something, it is easy to give up and go back to our bad habits. While i may not be a good advertisement for the Master cleanse in the way it is supposed to be done, I want to be a good advertisement, if you will, for me. My goal is to lose weight, to feel and be healthy and any way i get there is fine with me!

Beginning my "Master Cleanse"~

Right now its about 12 am Tuesday morning and I'm drinking a cup of Smooth Move Tea organic herbal laxative tea. This is the first time trying it for me, so I will report on how it works later on today. The taste isn't bad at all- Sweet and a little bitter with a citrus orange and spicy taste.  It's smooth going down my throat. The ingredients are senna, fennel, orange peel, cinnamon, coriander and ginger. The side of the box states that it  " provides gentle, overnight relief from occasional constipation ( irregularity). Senna leaf promotes bowel movement by direct action on the intestine."
I'm not constipated. I just think that starting out by cleansing my body is a good thing. After all the sweets and goodies I have eaten during the holidays, I need it. To have your body cleaned out has got to improve sluggishness in the body and the mind, and I would think improve how your skin looks too. I should state that I am in good over-all health to begin with so I did not consult my doctor first, but if you have questions about it, I would say to consult your doctor about any kind of fitness/ wellness plan you want to start on.
As a side note, I also believe in enemas, so after I do this "Smooth Moves" laxative tea, I will follow up with one. I have been doing them for quite a few years and they make me feel sooo good. I don't do the pre- packaged from the store kind though. I bought an  enema bag and i just fill it with good ol'  warm  ( not too hot- not too cold) water from the tap. I seriously feel alot better when my insides are clean. I know it may squeek some people out, but thats just my preference.
The " Master Cleanse" lemonade drink, if you have not heard of it consists of water, lemon juice, cheynne pepper and maple syrup. You drink this concoction for however many days you feel is best for you. They say to also do a sea salt water drink daily too, along with the "Smooth Moves"-  below is the recipe from

 The first is for a single serving of the master cleanse lemonade. The second will make 6 servings
#1 (single serving):
  • 2 Tablespoons of organic lemon Juice (about 1/2 a Lemon)
  • 2 Tablespoons of Organic grade B maple syrup (not the commercial maple flavored syrup you use on pancakes)
  • 1/10 Teaspoon Cayenne pepper powder
  • Ten ounces of filtered water
#2 (60 oz. daily serving):
  • 60 ounces of filtered water
  • 12 Tablespoons of organic grade B maple syrup
  • 12 Tablespoons of organic lemon juice
  • 1/2 Teaspoon cayenne pepper powder
There are a couple important things to remember when preparing the lemonade.
For one, the lemon juice used must be fresh squeezed. This cannot be emphasized enough. It is necessary to use fresh produce. Canned juice won't work and will erase most of the benefits of using the master cleanser diet.
Also, the maple syrup must be grade B maple syrup, not the sugar filled syrup that is used at the breakfast table.
The cayenne pepper might seem unnecessary, but it is actually very important. Not only does it help to add a bit of a kick, but the pepper helps to break up mucus and increases healthy blood flow. It also is a good source of B and C vitamins, commonly referred to as Super Vitamins due to their many benefits for the body.
Mixing teas with the recipe is one way to help modify things, just make sure It's decaffeinated tea because caffeine can restrict blood vessels and we want to keep your body passages as open as possible.

Adding a Natural Laxative To Help Flush Out Your System

Taking a laxative will speed up the detoxing process, and help your body eliminate waste.
I prefer ingestible laxatives like, sea salts, and herbal tea. These are ideal methods for cleaning the colonic tract without the harmful effects of colonics and enemas.
Drinking 1 teaspoon of unrefined non-iodized sea salt mixed with 25-35 ounces of water will flush out your system.
It's best to use either of these laxatives (or both of them) 2 times a day. I've found it best to take them in the morning and before I go to bed.
Also, I advise you give yourself at least an hour and a half before you go out when you do this. These laxatives will work fast, and you will discover why you should probably be at home near a bathroom when you use them.

So there you have it- What my first few days will consist of- Sea Salt water drink in a.m- The Lemonade Drink through-out the day, a Smooth Moves Tea at night.  Like i said, I'm not sure how many days I will do this- I'm shooting for at least five,  but I will report daily on how I feel, if I'm hungry etc. Stay tuned!

A Renewal of Me....

Hello! I'm Cindy Rae and I am about to embark on a new journey- losing these dreaded 30 lbs I have put on this year.

A little about me first- Im almost 49 yrs old- Im married , a mother and a grandma. I do not know how I let this weight creep up on me- I have always been fairly active- okay, maybe not but Im not a 24 hour couch potato either! Somehow, as my clothes were getting tighter, and as it was getting more difficult to climb steps without breathing hard, I was lying to myself- "Okay, Im "retaining water" - im NOT getting fat! so, I would say to myself, no more real coke, no more bread, no sweets.... but then I would reach for exactly those things telling myself "tomorrow" I would be better- after the party, after baseball season, after football season, when it was cooler, when it was warmer- I had ALL kinds of excuses! I stopped going on my long walks daily because I was busy, or it was too cold, too hot, too sunny, too windy- whatever- Boy! did I have excuses!

My family is extremely active- they are all athletes, they lift weights and run daily, and while they are able to eat whatever they want and burn it off, I cant. I have always been one who had to watch what I eat or drink, and make sure I many times in my life I would fall off that wagon- then have to work hard at losing the pounds that crept on- always promising myself it wouldnt happen again. I did the slim fast, the weight watchers, the diet pills.. would starve myself, I would measure my food and count all worked for awhile, but not consistantly - and I do know why- I wasnt EXERCISING! I wasnt moving my body!

Well I will tell you this about me- I REFUSE to look like Im almost 50! I want my body back- I want my health back... I want to look in the mirror and see ME again, not some puffy round stranger!
I figure having a public journal, it will keep me motivated- it will keep me too embarrassed to cheat!

Starting now I am on my way to me again- I want my pretty clothes back- I want people to say " Oh my gosh- you dont look old enough to have children that age!" So, Im starting my new journey as soon as I wake up- starting with getting out of bed and stretching, then off on my walk- even in Michigan at the end of December! I figure by walking fast I will keep When I get home I will do my floor exercises then ride my stationary bike for 30 mins. I am actually going to do "The Master Cleanse" for a few days to get rid of toxins in my body. During that time i will write up a food menu, staying at no more than 1200 calories a day. Water is key too- drinking lots and lots of water. I will be mixing up my work outs- Im also looking into the beachbody program, but I will post more on all that and the "cleanse" as I learn and do more.
The point is I need to eat healthy, stay active, get my pulse rate up and to keep moving..
Sleep is essential too- getting enough rest for your body and mind each night helps in combating obesity, besides helping get rid of stress. Im a big believer in lists- so Im sure I will be adding different lists on here- exercise, food, etc.
I need support, so PLEASE, if you are reading here- WELCOME! If you need help staying motivated every day, maybe we can help each other!
All I know is I want my body back- I want my life back- I want to feel good about me again. I hope you keep stopping by! :)