Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Loss!

Yesterday I could not get motivated to work out- I just couldn't. I was all dressed to work out, I just could not get my head in the zone. But, today I was motivated- and having massive guilt I just finished my exercises for the day and now I am soaking in a hot tub with my lavender bath salts ( gotta LOVE laptops My muscles are not sore- more fatigued I guess, and this bath feels amazing!
I weighed myself this morning and I have lost 3.2 lbs since last Wednesday! I haven't been starving myself either. Actually I had a couple small- juice size- glasses of coke this week ( I REALLYYYY gotta get away from that stuff!) and I had some pizza my son brought home the other night. BUT, I have been exercising AND drinking my water! So, I'm wayy proud of myself! Believe me when I say if I can do this, so can you!
I will tell you the truth- I Hate exercise! Absolutely HATE it.  I hate sweating- I hate being sore-I hate making the time for it. BUT,  its good for you., your body and your mind. I have lower back pain. Whether it's arthritis
( cause I swear my mother has put a curse on me, telling me I WILL get arthritis because it's in the family or just from not moving, I have it- every day- all day... I even feel it in my sleep. But since I started this exercise routine last week, it's gone- Swear to God, hand on the Bible, it's gone!
So my advice? KEEP MOVING! :)

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