Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!!- Days 3 and 4 all wrapped up pretty!

I hope everyone had an amazing New Year's Eve last night! My husband and I stayed home and babysat out 4 week old grandson! It was sooo much fun to have a little baby in the house again! He is just the sweetest little guy!
I was good - I stuck to my diet, except for a small bowl of vanilla ice cream with homemade chocolate topping- yummmyyy! Hey, it was New Years Eve! lol... I even did my crunches! Yay me!!!

I just finished my exercising for today.  My arms are shaking I had a good work out- I know cause I'm sweatin' My thighs were realllyyy sore yesterday- it was sooo hard to get up from a sitting position. Thats where most people make mistakes- They get sore from working out, then quit. I have been there and done that myself. But living with a house full of men who work out daily, I see what they go through. Believe me I do no where NEAR what they do in a work out, and I NEVER, but I do know you have to keep at your program to get the results that WILL happen.
So, don't forget to keep up with drinking your water- at least 64 oz. a day, and KEEP MOVING!!! We can ALL do this and have a Happier and Healthier 2011!!!

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