Friday, January 7, 2011

The Benefits of Exercise

The Benefits of Exercise

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Loss!

Yesterday I could not get motivated to work out- I just couldn't. I was all dressed to work out, I just could not get my head in the zone. But, today I was motivated- and having massive guilt I just finished my exercises for the day and now I am soaking in a hot tub with my lavender bath salts ( gotta LOVE laptops My muscles are not sore- more fatigued I guess, and this bath feels amazing!
I weighed myself this morning and I have lost 3.2 lbs since last Wednesday! I haven't been starving myself either. Actually I had a couple small- juice size- glasses of coke this week ( I REALLYYYY gotta get away from that stuff!) and I had some pizza my son brought home the other night. BUT, I have been exercising AND drinking my water! So, I'm wayy proud of myself! Believe me when I say if I can do this, so can you!
I will tell you the truth- I Hate exercise! Absolutely HATE it.  I hate sweating- I hate being sore-I hate making the time for it. BUT,  its good for you., your body and your mind. I have lower back pain. Whether it's arthritis
( cause I swear my mother has put a curse on me, telling me I WILL get arthritis because it's in the family or just from not moving, I have it- every day- all day... I even feel it in my sleep. But since I started this exercise routine last week, it's gone- Swear to God, hand on the Bible, it's gone!
So my advice? KEEP MOVING! :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Back in the Groove~

I took yesterday off from my exercising- but i was good with my food and water. I went to bed at a decent time last night- 1130 pm- if you know me, then you know how big a deal that is. Normally I'm like a I love staying up late,  and by late I mean like 3 or 4 So, I got all kinds of good sleep and woke up at 5am. After doing house chores, getting family off to where they had to go, I was on my stationary bike by 7am. After that I did a lower body work out on my total gym 1100. I love this piece of equipment.  It's pretty easy to put together initially and it stores away really well right under my bed. Exercises are listed in a booklet with pictures, to help you get going and know what you are doing. I get an awesome workout with it! You are using your own body weight to exercise, so no clunky weights to move around. The incline adjusts from easier to harder too. My husband has been a weight lifter forever and even he tells me its a really good piece of equipment and is impressed with it.
Also, Don't forget to drink, drink, drink your water!
I can not stress drinking plenty of water enough- Carry a bottle with you where ever you go!

Saturday, January 1, 2011


No two ways about it- You MUST  burn more calories than you consume!!

Happy New Year!!!- Days 3 and 4 all wrapped up pretty!

I hope everyone had an amazing New Year's Eve last night! My husband and I stayed home and babysat out 4 week old grandson! It was sooo much fun to have a little baby in the house again! He is just the sweetest little guy!
I was good - I stuck to my diet, except for a small bowl of vanilla ice cream with homemade chocolate topping- yummmyyy! Hey, it was New Years Eve! lol... I even did my crunches! Yay me!!!

I just finished my exercising for today.  My arms are shaking I had a good work out- I know cause I'm sweatin' My thighs were realllyyy sore yesterday- it was sooo hard to get up from a sitting position. Thats where most people make mistakes- They get sore from working out, then quit. I have been there and done that myself. But living with a house full of men who work out daily, I see what they go through. Believe me I do no where NEAR what they do in a work out, and I NEVER, but I do know you have to keep at your program to get the results that WILL happen.
So, don't forget to keep up with drinking your water- at least 64 oz. a day, and KEEP MOVING!!! We can ALL do this and have a Happier and Healthier 2011!!!